All you need to know about the latest fiscal assistance and tax deferral schemes available.

In light of the current situation, the Government of Malta has announced a first wave of measures which have been implemented with the aim of reducing the economic impact of COVID-19, especially on businesses established in Malta.

Extension of tax deadlines

Deadlines for payments of Provisional Tax, VAT, SSC and FSS falling due during March and April 2020, will be extended by two months, subject to the filing of the relevant application. All tax forms should regardless be submitted according to normal deadlines. Businesses operating within designated sectors are eligible for this initiative.

Financial Assistance

Malta Enterprise is also offering refunds of up to €4,000 of any capital expenditure incurred in implementing teleworking measures by employers / self-employed. This is capped at €500 per teleworking agreement and €4,000 per undertaking, calculated as 45% of the eligible costs incurred between 01.03.2020 to 30.03.2020. Following approval of the application, the employer has reporting obligations on the teleworking activities being carried out. Deadline to apply for such grant is 30th March 2020.

Quarantine Leave

A grant amounting to €350 will be given to employers in respect of each employee who is on Quarantine Leave. An application to claim this grant is required to be submitted with Malta Enterprise.


At ARQ we are committed to support local businesses and self-employed individuals to overcome this crisis together and we would like to offer our help – free of charge – to any individuals that require any advice or assistance with filing the relevant application forms.


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