
The local and international tax landscapes are constantly changing. Organisations of all sizes are increasingly exposed to new trends in tax regulation, not just locally but globally.

At ARQ, we offer a full range of advisory and compliance services in direct and indirect taxation.

ARQ can assist in choosing the right business structure. We can assist you with developing a sustainable tax plan by analysing tax risks prior to setting up a structure.

In the field of international tax law, ARQ can help manage cross-border transactions, as well as advise you on a planned move abroad or upon returning from abroad. Detailed advice and support is offered to clients on selecting an international legal form for relocating parts of companies, the right to double taxation agreements and transferring a registered office and centre of management to a foreign country.

ARQ can offer comprehensive advice on income tax for employers and provide information about options relating to inheritance tax for heirs.

ARQ can also provide representation in disputes with the tax authorities, or before the fiscal courts.

Key Contact

David Borg

Partner – Tax & Advisory

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