A body corporate formed and incorporated or registered under the laws of an approved country or jurisdiction other than Malta, which is similar in nature to a company as known by the laws of Malta, may be registered as being continued in Malta. The law of the company’s original country or jurisdiction must allow for such continuation.
A non-Maltese company may file the request to be continued in Malta with the Maltese Registrar of Companies. The request must be accompanied by a number of statutory documents and declarations. Upon the submission of the relevant documents, the Maltese Registrar will (if the request is found in order) issue a provisional certificate of continuation. Within six months, the company must provide documentary evidence that it has ceased to be a company registered in the original country or jurisdiction. Upon the presentation of such evidence, the Maltese Registrar of Companies will issue a certificate of continuation from the date of the provisional registration. Companies that are resident and domiciled in Malta are charged tax in Malta on their worldwide income, and can avail themselves of all relevant income tax provisions, including access to tax refunds, etc.
All assets situated outside Malta and acquired prior to a company becoming resident or domiciled in Malta may be deemed to have been acquired on the date of becoming resident or domiciled in Malta at the market value of those assets as at that date (a step up in cost of acquisition is possible, which is of significance for the calculation of any tax deductible capital allowances).
ARQ Corporate Ltd is authorised to act as a Company Service Provider by the Malta Financial Services Authority.